Monday, June 23, 2014

Doing things "The Jamie Way"

If you've been here for a while, you now know Jamie Chimpanzee and that she is the boss. 

I know I've used this picture before, but I just love it so much, I gave it a reprise. (creds to CSNW)
This face will more than likely be my next tattoo; ALL HAIL THE QUEEN. 

Jamie is very much aware of what we say. She understands all too well what we are trying to do and where it ranks on the important scale. She is arguably the most intelligent chimpanzee at CSNW and the more time I spend with the chimps the more obvious that becomes. She is quite the tool maker and user, the first to snatch left over food that was dropped outside the caging and is the first to tell you when you have made a mistake. She can be the most charming chimp in the house and then immediately reverse her request. (ie: she gestures at a piece of food outside the caging she wants, you ask if its okay to pick it up and give it to her, she nods, you pick it up, and she displays and bangs on the caging saying "I did not say you could touch that, ya fool!" 

I can't pick favorites at CSNW because the chimps are all so different from one another and each fill a different part of my little primate heart. But I could admit that Jamie is my favorite to learn from, because every time I'm there she teaches me something about how smart chimpanzees really are. How they really understand situations and projects happening around them.  Today in the chimp house I said "Some days I think Jamie chimpanzee is smarter than me." Caregiver/Volunteer Elizabeth replied "That's how we all feel most days. And don't worry, that feeling will only intensify as you get further in your training." 

Jumping in with both feet I guess. 

So, Doing things the "Jamie" Way, what does that mean? 

In order to clean the chimp areas, we move the chimpanzees from room to room, which involves opening and closing automated doors. When we arrive in the morning the chimps have access to all areas except the hill. We close off the two doors that give access to the greenhouse, and then the humans are allowed in to clean. Usually moving the chimps is a relatively easy process. They are used to the routine of being shifted from place to place and normally in the morning they are already inside, because they know breakfast is coming (and some of the chimps love to watch us make it. aka BURRITO.) 

Today we were done cleaning the greenhouse and playroom and were trying to move on to the front rooms. This is after breakfast has been served, so everyone is pretty much playing and taking a siesta. Usually the chimps are in the playroom scouring for the forage we left (forage in the playroom is typically a small food we just throw around so the chimps will come into the playroom and out of the front rooms so we can close them off.) Rooms 1,3 and 4 were closed off, and Jamie and Jody had taken up camp in room 2. Every time Lisa tried to move the doors, Jamie would throw poop at her. So, we ended up waiting in the kitchen doing laundry and making ourselves a snack until Jamie decided it was okay to leave room 2 and Lisa was allowed to close the doors. This is the Jamie way. Need I more proof that the chimps are the boss around here? I don't think so. 

This is Ellie, a female elk who has taken up residence outside the young's hill electric fence. Ellie walks right up to humans to let them pet her, and has apparently sparked some animosity with the dog of the house. 

Today I was lucky enough to accompany Elizabeth on a walk around the hill with Jamie. Jamie requested we wear boots on our walk, so Elizabeth put one on her hand and I wore one on my foot. Don't worry, Jamie stopped a few times around the hill to check and make sure we still had our boots.  
Jamie usually requests that whoever walks with her around the hill wear a pair of boots, after the walk she likes to inspect and/or groom them. Usually the boots you have on the walk, Jamie will ask for so before the walks we hold up pairs of boots for her to choose, so we don't end up upsetting her when we wear our own boots and she can't have them after the walk. 
After the walk we went into the greenhouse to see if I could observe any interactions between Elizabeth and Jamie, as I am still in the observing stage of Level 3 training. Once again, Jamie said "We are doing it my way" and insisted that she poke my boots, and I had to take off my shoes, and she wanted to groom me instead of Elizabeth. Elizabeth kept saying "Come on James, you can groom my boot. Its really cool. Look at my boot!" and Jamie kept gesturing at my feet and boots. Elizabeth's response: "Well Jamie, Becca isn't in that part of her training but if you groom my boot you can groom Becca's really soon." 
Jamie's response: *turns back to us*

So, it's pretty much Jamie's way or the highway. And when Jamie doesn't get her way, its class dismissed. 

Here's Burrito getting ready for breakfast. SUPER PUMPED. 

L to R here's Jamie , Jody and Neggie getting ready to enjoy some breakfast. 

So that's all for now. I'm almost done with stage 1 of level 3. My next stage is the "assisting" stage where I start to help serve lunch and can be invited to play by a caregiver. EXCITED. 

mew mew.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting Spit On- Perks of the Job.

Just because I can, I'm going to start with this picture of Annie, taken from CSNW's website. 
One of Annie's identifiable features is her right ear, which has a notch taken out of it. Her hair on the back of her neck is also almost always standing up, another way to identify her. 

and I just love this photo of her. <3

By now, it should be no surprise that the Cle Elum 7 are exactly that; a group of 7 different beautiful individuals who have 7 different personalities. Just like humans, getting to know people and feel out different personalities is sometimes awkward, and a little stressful. 

In becoming a Level 3, I am at the most basic level, inserting myself into the hierarchy that the chimps already have in place. I'm putting myself at the lowest spot on the totem pole, even lower than that really, until the chimps have accepted me as a part of their group. In the wild, female chimps leave natal groups for new ones, and are either accepted or forced to move on to find another group who will accept them into the hierarchy. Most females are accepted pretty easily, as the males see another partner and usher them right in. Sometimes the alpha male can upset group chemistry by accepting a new female as his own right away, and creating tension between existing females who probably felt like a newcomer came in and stole the highest ranking spot. (usually not likely, as the highest ranking female ain't got time for that. She knows she's still in charge, regardless of new ladies coming in. New ladies also normally pay respect to the existing hierarchy.) 

ANYWAY, being the lowest on the totem pole, I am automatically the target for what I affectionately call "chimp hazing." It's exactly what it sounds like. I'm the least familiar face in the chimp house and when there is tension, anger, or someone just gets bored and needs to remind me who's in charge, I am the first to get hit with whatever. Spit on, poop, etc. Monday was a pretty good day in the chimp house, Jamie was feeling a little angry, but I managed to escape the day without her trying to throw poop on me. Foxie was the one who needed to remind me what was what. 

Here's miss Foxie (or Foxie Lady as I like to call her) taken from the CSNW website again. whoops.  I recognize Foxie mostly by her face. I can't really explain it, but like humans I've been around the chimps long enough that I don't need to look for certain marks like Annie's ear, or the patches of grey hair that Missy has. I can look at Foxie's legs and know its Fox. For the untrained eye you can usually tell it's Fox because she has a troll doll or a dora doll in her had or riding on her back. 

Foxie and I haven't really tested the waters yet with our friendship. She is really close with caregiver K, so they play anytime she is in the chimp house. Foxie was the first chimpanzee to ever spit on me the first time I met the Cle Elum 7 2 years ago. So I guess I can't really be shocked when she spits on me now. Serving lunch and observing Lisa, we were almost about to leave and Foxie gives me one last reminder of where I am in the hierarchy. It wasn't that bad, because usually the chimps will go to the water spigot and fill their cheeks, and then drench you. Fox only had a little spit, but she got me right in the face. As caregivers, we do not react. In sanctuary life, the chimp house is the chimp house. I'm visiting their home. So when they spit or throw poop, we never raise our voices or reprimand them. Lead caregivers usually have a report with Jamie, as she's usually the poop thrower and it sounds something like this: 
"ahh, sorry James! I know I know, but I had to close the door. I'm sorry. Good aim though lady, you got me. You got me good. I'm sorry I'm sorry." 
*walks into human area*
"look alive, Jamie is not having it."

Usually I just give a head nod (a submissive behavior to say I'm not here to cause trouble) and a quiet "sorry" as I've possibly done something to upset a chimp and I'm not allowed to address the chimps directly yet. And move along. Clearly when Foxie spits on you, she's done looking at you. 

Why did I get spit on while just observing lunch? Good question, and your guess is as good as mine. I'm a strong believer in the chimp hazing aspect, and once Foxie and I feel out our relationship I should be safe from getting soaked. I also could have been smiling too much, and smiling in chimp culture is a fear grimace and denotes aggression. I also could have unknowingly used body language that suggested I was threatening; eye contact, making myself bigger, leaning forward towards the caging without being invited, etc. Because it wasn't my first time at the rodeo and I'm pretty good at modified behavior while with the chimps, I'm going to go with chimp hazing as my final answer.  

Sorry for the lack of photos this week, it was a busy monday and I wasn't wearing anything with pockets. for shame. 

The question I've chosen at random this week is: 
"What is your favorite thing to do while visiting the chimpanzees?"
The easy answer is everything! I even love doing the chimp's laundry. 
The actual answer is watching a meal. I can't wait to be able to serve meals, but in the mean time I love sitting out their with them while they eat. There's something so wonderful about 7 smacking mouths and food grunts that makes you appreciate being so close to our closest non-human relative! I also really love making meals and seeing who gets really excited about what food. 

You guys rule the school. 
In other completely unrelated news, we ordered our save the dates this weekend. 
here's a sneak: 
love it love it love it. 
Now I have to figure out how we can incorporate chimps at the wedding. I'm thinking ice sculptures? 
okay, clearly bed time. 

lurv lurv lurv.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, Monday.

There are a lot of memes out there about how terrible Mondays are. Like, A LOT. Even though I have to wake up hours earlier than I do for my "9-5" job to drive over the mountains, I love doing it. This morning I left a little earlier than I needed to, so I explored Cle Elum's nature before I got to the chimp house. 

(ignore the butt of my car, so I'm not the best photographer to walk the earth. JUDGE ME.)

I feel very fortunate that my Mondays are spent with 7 of my favorite primates on this earth. 

Anyway, a lot of people ask how boring it is drive over the pass so frequently, and is it hard to stay awake. The easiest answer is yes and no. Annoying right? I'm honestly so excited every time I go to the sanctuary that whether I've slept for 8 hours or 8 minutes, I am pretty awake the whole way over. The worst part (or used to be now) was that the only radio station that comes in once you get to a certain point outside of Seattle, is country. If anyone knows me well at all, you will know my complete hatred for country music. I can't explain why, nothing tragic happened while I was listening to Rascal Flatts one day or anything, I just have never liked country music. Now that Lars and I are sharing a car, he has a fancy little doo-hicky that I can plug my phone into and listen to my spotify (which is mostly EDM and House music, in case you are wondering.)

Lately, in some strange turn of events, I like to unplug my phone and listen to the country that comes in. There's just something about getting into town at 8 in the morning where the speed limit is 25 and listening to country music that just makes you appreciate the nature and quietness around you. I can't even explain it, and it honestly scares the shit out of me, but there you go. I'm digging country music now. *help*

Sanctuary life was pretty normal today, below is breakfast. The chimps usually have a smoothie for breakfast and a few other fruits along with their vitamins and meds if they are taking any at the time. 

 Below from L-R is Annie, Jamie (on the blue chair) and Foxie enjoying some breakfast. 

Because of the water issue today, we did spot cleaning in the playroom. To conserve water we did have we sprayed the areas that were really in need of scrubbing. Below is Neggie's nest. I personally think she is the best at making nests because of all the chimps, she spends the most time sleeping and laying around. Her nests are usually wrapped together so tight that when I move them to clean, they don't come apart. I push them off the edge of the upper platform and it falls and makes a very loud THUD as it hits the ground, Neggie's nests are no joke.  As the oldest member of the group, I think she has the most right to spend her days snoozing.  

Cleaning the playrooms on a nice day is quite the task. Not only is it very warm in there, but I have adorable Burrito watching and waiting to come back inside and see what kind of food forage we have left for him. 

Below is Jamie checking out some streamer in the greenhouse as I clean the playroom. 

 Here is Burrito in the same window as before, only now he's taking a little siesta. 

And here is the lunch I prepared: Bell peppers, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. 

Today was a little weird with the water situation, and the chimps had water bottles to drink out of for most of the morning until the water came back on. Even the way they drink their water is unique and different from one another. Missy drank water from the bottle much like a human, with one hand bringing the bottle to her mouth and pouring some in. Seconds later I watched Annie try a different tactic, putting her mouth over the top of the water bottle and squeezing the water up into her mouth, much like a juice box. I love catching little differences like that in the chimps. 

While observing the chimps today Burrito was displaying, which caused the other chimps to move downstairs in the playroom to leave Burrito upstairs making vocalizations and throwing things around by himself. Every once in a while is vocalizations would get louder, turn into screams and you would see him fly by on the upstairs catwalk; hair standing on end, bipedal and running towards the closest chimp. All the chimps would scatter out of his way and Burrito would become quiet again for a little while only to display and run around some more. Although Burrito is lower on the hierarchy at CSNW he often displays and makes lots of noise and chases the girls around for a few seconds, only to be put back in his place by one of them. Why? I honestly don't know, but if I had to guess I would say he just wants everyone to remember that he's the only dude in the place, and sometimes its hard. :) (I mean, you try being the only guy living in a house with 6 ladies.) 

In Jamie hazing news, no poop has yet to be thrown at me but she did spit water all over me once the water was back and working in the playroom. I'm not allowed to interact with her yet, so while we were observing the chimps she asked for my attention many times and I could do nothing but head-nod at her and continue sitting there. (which is really hard, let me tell you.) so after many times of my no response or play with her, she walked over to the spigot and filled her cheeks and soaked me. Which, I was told was just a "welcome." :) 

Busy busy monday. 
that's all for meow. 


Thursday, June 5, 2014

TCOB- Takin' Care of Business.

Well, now that we are all caught up on my not so lucky May, lets get back to business. 

After what feels like forever but is actually not even close, I have finally reached level 3 training at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest (CSNW)! I honestly could not be more excited. The past 6 months I was in Phase 1 of Level 3 training, and this phase consists of 
*Readings (general chimp knowledge and background)
*Observation (caregivers verbally explaining what they are doing/how they are interacting with the chimps)
*Tests (quizzes and knowledge on the Cle Elum 7 themselves, and general chimp trivia.)

Last week I took the tests and passed! (PRAISE BUDDHA) 

I know what you are thinking:
"But Becca, why were you worried about passing the tests? Don't you know everything ever about chimps and primates?" 
Why thank you kind loved one, to think I know everything! LAWLS. I definitely don't know everything there is to know about chimps and primates, every one of them has their own personality, its like saying I know everyone in the United States and what their favorite ice cream flavor is. (for those of you who like mint chocolate chip, I like you more.) I was worried about the tests because I have this weird test taking problem ever since college. In school, specifically with Anthropology, the one thing I really really cared about doing well in I would get horrible test anxiety and second guess every question and panic like a small child lost in the mall of america. 
And because I care about the chimps and the sanctuary more than nearly everything else, taking the test was a little rough. 
(pretty much me)

SO. Now I am officially in Phase 2 of Level 3 training, which is broken up into 5 sub sections. (LORD) In approximately 6 months (give or take) I will be a Level 3 caregiver! I'll have more updates and pictures after monday, my next shift. 

On June 2nd I ventured into Seattle with LFJ to listen to Lissa Ongman talk about her work with chimps. 
(Above is Lissa at the CCC located in Guinea)
She is a pretty awesome person in Seattle doing some amazing things in the non-human primate community. The CCC (Chimpanzee Conservation Center) is a rehabilitation center in Guinea who help raise orphaned chimpanzees and release them back into the wild. One of 2 programs in the world to do so. 

I simultaneously love and hate her. She's definitely someone to look up to; having traveled to the CCC at 23 and for the last 10 years has been watching and helping chimps grow up and venture back into the wild. 
cough cough (dream life) cough. 

In my own sanctuary news, I am currently brainstorming a name and location. Two major steps that seem easy enough, but once you start its REALLY FUCKING DIFFICULT. For example: 
"I love Washington with all my heart and soul but the weather could be warmer more often for the chimps somewhere else.." 
"Well I love Great Chimpanzee Project (horrible name and literally just made up on the spot, not a real option I assure you.) but The Center for Great Apes is already in Florida and I want the name to stand out but not be too weird.." 
"Do I want to rescue just chimps? what about monkeys? maybe chimps and gorillas? all great apes? no monkeys?..."
I feel a little like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, but in the best most exciting way. 

In completely unrelated news, a dear friend/boss/coffee shop owner/work mom took our engagement photos. 
It was a perfect example of a regular day in my life: 
I had worked at the sanctuary all day, on a particularly rough day; Jamie just so happened to be in a grumpy mood and was throwing poop at the caregivers. I thought "of course, the one day I want to look a little nice I'm going to get covered in poop." 
ALAS , the gods were looking down on me that day and I escaped poop free, but trying to get home was no simple task either. I-90 was backed up all the way to Cle Elum and there I was: 78 degrees out, no water in the car because I was in such a hurry and one box of the driest cheez-its in all the land. (1st world problems, am I right?)

And yet somehow I managed to get home, do something with the birds nest on my head, put a dress on and Mama Finca captured my favorite pictures of Lars and I to date. 
Funny how things work out, huh? 

That's all for meow! 

(don't forget to check out for updates on my chimpanzee family. 
