Thursday, February 13, 2014

Jambo! Moja choo tafadali

WELL WELL WELL. Here we are again.

Since my last post was more factual, statistics based, today's will be more about what I'm doing/reading/etc.
I am currently reading In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall, in preparation for my level 3 status at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest.*SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
For those who don't know, I spend time working with chimpanzees at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest ( when I'm not making coffee or working in the theatre. It is one of the only times that I truly feel happy and at home, as close to Tanzania and my lifetime goals as I can get at the moment. There are 7 chimps there who were previously biomedical testers from the east US. They are truly all amazing beings with their own personalities and traits that never cease to amaze me. Negra loves peanuts but is not so fond of peppers. Jamie loves cowboy boots and insists that we wear them when we walk around the enclosure with her. Burrito loves FOOD. ANY TYPE OF FOOD AT ALL. It's truly an honor to work so close with them.
Here is Jody, my favorite lady (don't tell the others) looking BEAUTIFUL as always.
Starting level 3 means that I get to interact with the chimps on a face to face basis. (Not inside the enclosure people, chimps are 7-10 times stronger than a male at peak physical condition.) I get to play with Foxie and her troll dolls, walk Jamie outside and feed the chimps meals. It's what I've been working for since I started at the sanctuary and NOW ITS REAL. *poops pants* phew. Seriously though, I can't wait to update the blog with all my adventures in chimping one on one with the 7 beauts I've got to work with! It will surely be a learning experience, as each chimp is very different and while Burrito may love me (although its very unlikely because he loves the blondes more than brunettes. I'm not even joking.) Jamie may not like me, which means if she is around I cannot play with Burrito openly unless Jamie says its okay. "Says" clearly meaning communicating with me physically that I can play with Burrito. (walking away, not vocalizing) If she's not okay with it, she will let me know (aka throwing some poop at me, displaying and angrily vocalizing). So, it will be an interesting few months of learning where I stand with each chimp, and you can expect to be updated on all my adventures. I have yet to have Jamie throw poop at me, but I'm not holding my breath. :)

If you are looking for a good general book about chimps and Jane Goodall's work, I would highly recommend In the Shadow of Man. It's super easy to read and doesn't require a background in primates to understand. It's one of Jane's more famous works, as it's one of the first books written about her discovery of chimps and tool use. Really, anything from Jane comes highly recommended from me. :)

Some swahili: 
Hello: jambo (johmbo)
Toilet: choo (choh)
one: moja (i've heard moya or mohja) 
please: tafadali (tahfadali) 

Hello one toilet please? Jambo! Moja choo tafadali?
I mean, what else could you possibly need to know?

Have a great valentines day tomorrow, and remember that you are in SO MANY RELATIONSHIPS. Friends, family, loved ones, are all relationships so don't get down if you are single on valentines, its a day of love so share love with those in your life.

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