Sunday and Monday had a recurring theme at the chimp house- hibernation. Even though the pass is becoming a treacherous part of the journey and the temperature continues to fall in Cle Elum, the chimps have a warm living space, including heating in the concrete floors of their play areas. Honestly, I was playing with Foxie in one of the front rooms and we were both laying on the floor with our feet in the air each holding a troll doll- and I was pretty damn comfortable. Lars can attest, I find sleeping on floors very comfortable. Some days I do prefer to nap on the floor with just a blanket over me rather than my bed. But, with the heated floors in the chimp house, I really could have just taken a nap right there with Foxie.
(photo stolen from CSNW's blog)
While Foxie may look uncomfortable on the floor in the picture above, I can tell you from experience, it's pretty darn warm.
What you can't see in this photo is Jamie in a HUGE pile of blankets, and to anyone who didn't know these chimps it would look like Foxie was cast out of the welcome circle and Jamie sent her out there with no blankets.
With the weather like it is, the chimps spend most of the day sleeping- and who can blame them! It's so warm in the chimp house that all you want to do is grab a few blankets and get some shut eye. Jamie took me for one walk, actually a run. She was asking for walks all day but as soon as I would get a boot on and go meet her in the door to the hill she would take one step outside, feel the wind and rain sprinkles and go right back inside. She looked so frustrated everytime- all she wanted to do was take a stroll but the weather was not ideal. Finally she got the nerve to go, and we ran around the entire hill. She didn't want to be out in the cold any longer than she had to.
In days of hibernation it's really hard to spend any quality time with anyone. Most of the chimps are out of sight in a huge pile of blankets. Sunday I grabbed the Ipad to see if Jamie wanted to play her favorite mouse catching game- where a mouse runs across the screen and you have to tap it with your finger to make it squeak and eventually kill it. I didn't see Jamie at first so I turned on the animal sounds app for Foxie. Fox doesn't really want to play the games as much as she just tries to grab the ipad from you. She will nod her head like she wants to play the game or paint on it but then she will just stick her fingers as far through the caging as she can trying to grab a corner of it to wiggle it out of your hands. She does- however- love the animal sounds app. Exactly like it sounds, it shows a picture of an animal and when you click on the photo the sound the animal makes comes out. Foxie was very excited by the chimp noise- running around and even did a backflip. Jamie heard the commotion and came down to see- and wanted to play the mouse game. So we squished the mouse a few times, she groomed my boots and watched me brush my hair. Then she went back into her bed.
Even B was out of sight, except for a few moments of play where he came down to stomp at me and kiss my hand. Like a true gentleman. :)
In other news:
With all of the commotion and money spending in October I decided to look for another job. Now, let me say, because I know you all are thinking it, I am a busy person. BUT I'm not so delusional that I can't tell when I have too much on my plate. During my senior year at PLU I over committed myself beyond belief and I will never be that busy ever again- but a silver lining to that time in my life when I was crying almost everyday is that I found my maximum. I learned how much was too much, and I am no where near that level of stress, I promise. There are a lot of things in my life right now that cost money, and in order to keep doing the things I want I need to have a little more cushion that the 0.00 I'm working with now. I applied at Forever 21, and was hired on the spot. I'm oddly excited to be working with clothes, as most of you know, I am obsessed with shopping and fashion, and it's going to be the perfect thing for my OCD organizing tendencies. So, I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Big dreams mean hard work. And if I have to sacrifice sleep to live in Africa and open a sanctuary then I will. 10000x over, I'll do it.
Jasper is doing better, Raleigh is back to his normal bubbly self and Queen Butters is going in for a check up- things are looking up! Lars and I continue to purge and get rid of unnecessary things in the house, and it's looking emptier and emptier every day. We acutally had a day off together and went out to a real restaurant (without a drive thru) and relaxed. Which, for the two of us and our schedules, is quite a feat. My next project is making our annual holiday cards. Never a dull moment around here.
Shamless Plug: the 2016 CSNW calendars are here! Order one, they are wonderful. Learn about my 7 favorite non-humans and share the gift with others! My dad always looks forward to getting his calendar.
That's all for now. With black friday approaching, please remember CSNW on Give Big Tuesday. (or for christmas gifts check out their wish list!)
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