Whoops. I did that thing again where I completely forget to blog about Mondays with the Cle Elum 7. Winter is a difficult time for me to do anything, as our tiny poorly insulated house is in fact FREEZING and as soon as I get home from work I turn the electric blanket on and crawl into bed for a 2-6 hour nap. Sitting at the computer pretty much doesn't happen, unless it's on Lars' laptop and I'm watching my stories.
I was really trying to step away from technology the past few months as I sometimes just find it incredibly frustrating. After weeks (that felt like years, I should add) of trying to update and understand my sanctuary website, I loudly screamed "FUCK THIS" and crawled into my cocoon to ignore the world. People think because I'm 23 I know all facets of the internet and love to explore it, but in all honesty it confuses me beyond all belief. Also this winter Raleigh learned what "nap time" meant and as soon as I would say it he would run into the bedroom and curl up in his usual spot with me. Sweet or pathetic? The jury is still out on that one.
It's 2015 already, and it's time to TCOB (take care of business for those at home.) And the start of 2015 kicked my ass, but here's to looking up right? Dear God I hope so.
The past few months have been full of good and bad changes. As all months are, but these past few months in particular feel heavier than most. Key people in my life leaving, sincere friends being pillars of strength, rediscovering friendships from years ago and its been really FRIGGEN WEIRD. Normally I'm ready for change in all aspects, one of the reasons I love my Anthropology degree so much; its prepared me for change in all aspects of life. This winter for some reason kept knocking me on my ass, and every time I thought I was on my feet something else would happen that just hit me like a ton of bricks. So I decided to stay down. The opposite of what our parents have been telling us right? But hey, I got the hint life was not so subtlety trying to tell me. It was time to take care of me. Time to re-evaluate lots of things. Upcoming paths and choosing which one to take, you know, adult shit. So that's what I've been doing. Not always fun and games, but still important and needed every once in a while. I hunkered down and took care of me and the man who has been by my side for the past 9 years. I don't know what it is about him, but he always knows it will be okay, even when I am the most full of doubt. (Don't tell him I said that.)
One of the major steps decided was putting Sokwe Sanctuary on hold. Shocking I know, as it's my life mission and the only thing that keeps me going sometimes, but it's true. After spending a good chunk of time thinking about it, Lars and I want to do some things first. For one, I'd like to get most, if not all, of my student loans paid for. Even though the sanctuary has its own money, the institutions willing to give loans are more likely to help someone who's got less than more money borrowed. (I'm trying this thing called financial responsibility okay, gimmie a break.) Most importantly, I'd like to get Lars to Africa, specifically Tanzania, to live and work with some chimps. I miss Mahale like you do when you are homesick at camp and all I dream about is getting Lars to see the place I fell in love with. I'd like to live there for a while, and you never know, maybe Sokwe Sanctuary will have a birthplace in Tanzania? Lars would also like to get our tiny house built and travel. We want to get our childrens book done and put that in the Sokwe fund as well. Sokwe will be a reality, but we are more flexible with when. And to be honest, It's a huge exhale moment for the both of us. This overhead deadline of when the sanctuary needs to be open was a little bit too much for me, and especially Lars. One foot in front of the other right?
JORGENSEN WEDDING IS UNDER 6 MONTHS AWAY. and apart from pulling my hair out, things are moving along.
I'm excited for the actual day itself, not so much all the prep. That's probably how all weddings are right?
Chimping the past few months has been, as always, a blast. It's truly my favorite day of the week. Jamie continues to walk me around the hill to the point of exhaustion, and Annie continues to be my secret friend when no one is looking. One day she'll acknowledge me in front of someone... *crosses fingers*
Something that happened for the first time on Monday:
Jamie likes to make me exercise. It's no secret by now that she is the best and only trainer I've ever had. Now that the weather is warming up in Cle Elum, it's not such a slippery trek either. On Monday Jamie and I did a few walks on our own, with an occasional Missy coming along, but one of our walks involved someone I've never had accompany us before, Big B!
Bub explores the hill just like the other chimps, but I've never had the pleasure of walking with him around Jamie's path. Pictured above is Jamie leading the way up the hill with B behind. B had a wadge of paper in his mouth and ventured up the hill with us. Jamie didn't seem to mind at all, as long as he stayed behind her, I'm sure.
B was in a very playful mood on Monday which was a change from the past few times I'd been over there. The new norm for B was trying to poke me at every meal when I would try to serve anyone else food, getting a mouthful of water showered over me if I came around the corner and B was there. No chase, no tug of war, just showers and pokes. So it came as a little bit of a nice surprise when B wanted to play this Monday.
Once we reached the top of the hill, Jamie left us to cut down the middle. I assumed B would follow her down, but much to my surprise he kept walking along the well worn Jamie path around the outside edge of the enclosure. Once we started going down the hill B ran, and I ran with him. I was ready for Jamie to come storming down, pilo and ready to throw poop at me for enjoying a moment with B, but she just let us run down that hill and continue inside for a game of chase. While Jamie walked with another human companion, Foxie and I played a little "pass the troll doll" which involves Fox throwing her dora or troll doll down to me to hug on and dance with and me throwing it back up to her to inspect. Not as easy as it sounds, I promise you. Foxie is also a lady who will play with me, but as a last resort. She's warming up to me slowly, I'm sure of it!
Things that happened:
Jamie approves of my pink suede fringe boots! (and at $15 I mean come on.)
Evening enrichment hanging outside of the caging:
Blue Friday and Jamie is all about the exercise.
And I FINALLY got this painting by my baby brother tattooed on me. A beautiful chimp, now always with me. <3
I sincerely promise myself and whoever pays attention to this little corner of my mind, that I will blog about my experiences with the Cle Elum 7 on Monday nights after my day at the chimp house. I took my little break and now I'm back.
Okay, until wedding month because lets be real, I'll be crying of stress or excitement at that time and ya'll don't want to read anything that comes from that.
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